Hey there!
Just making my first news post.
Umm, I'll just say first off that I'm liking the NEWLY re-designed Newgrounds.com, it's looking pretty slick.
Nothing really new or interesting to report on that is definite, but I guess I'll be trying to work on some new animations and such, as well as pay some attention to my 3D stuff. Hope you'll like whatever I end up submitting next on Newgrounds (whenever that may be).
In the mean time however, feel free to watch and review my animations here on Newgrounds or check out any of my other work on DeviantART.
Anyhow, keep it real; keep it modest and stay safe.
- Zandoid
new newgrounds? you mean the redisign?
hehehe, yeah the "re-design" would be a better word to describe it. XD